Megatone Systems & Technologies

A privately held company, founded in 1993 by Ophir Bental.
At present we are focusing on out sourcing services to industrial and development companies. Among our many customers you can find world leaders in their individual fields such as Phillips, Elbit and Amgenix, Israeli ministry of defense, Bar medical Institute, Radcomm and many others.

We have vast experience in various aspects of software production and are more than happy to share this knowledge and expertise with our customers.

See the following for more information:
Windows Programming | Embedded Programming | Internet Programming | Drivers Programming

Professional Manpower

Our staff and team leaders are involved in countless on going and completed projects in almost every imaginable field of the hi-tech industry from internet based game platforms to medical CT scanners.

We are reliable, professional and highly adaptive to fit to the needs of our clients.

Whatever your software needs are, we can do it faster and better.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved Megatone Systems & Technologies 2006