Windows Programming

Our staff and team leaders have an accumulated experience of thousands of hours in high level windows programming. We've successfully implemented and launched elaborate projects under almost every possible platform and technology available for Windows.

  • Years of experience using Visual StudioTM C++, VB, etc.
  • One of the first companies to switch to the .NET environment
  • In depth knowledge of WindowsTM and creating applications using generic programming SDK, and use of WTL, ATL, MFC.
  • Various COM programming, COM servers such as ActiveX and automation servers.
  • GUI experience using various GUI technologies such as GDI, GDI+, DirectX, Open GL. vast experience in creating custom controls.
  • Rare computerized multimedia expertise
  • Top notch Data Base programming personal with experiance in almost every common platform.
If most of the above is "Greek to you", you are the one who needs us most. We are more than just engineers, we know how to create a product and how to get it on the shelf. We also know from experience that not every body with a great idea or in need of programming services is necessiraly a technical person.

We can help you decide and define your product and we certainly know the technology to make it happen.

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